I'm EL HIRACH ABDERRAZZAK, an IT industrial engineer (comparable to Master’s Degree in Computer Science), I'm working as Web & Mobile Apps Engineer. I'm originally from Morroco 🇲🇦 but have been living in the beautiful city of Brussels 🇧🇪 since 2012, I'am also interested in Video streaming & TV production technologies, especially the A/V transcoding & professional codecs. I like also staying up to date about aeronautics digital technologies and crash investigations. Sometimes I'am also cooking (to be accurate trying) and sometimes it turns out to be awesome 😋. Finally, I'm a good football goalkeeper 🥅 ⚽ .
I build native & cross-platform games & mobile apps from idea to stores using : Swift, Objectif C, React-Native and Unity 3D :
- I'm always up to date with the latest and the greatest technology released by Apple.
- I have three years of professional experience as an iOS developer with Swift and Objective-C.
- I implement security best practices for the mobile applications such as KeyChain, Certificate Pinning etc.
- I use design patters like MVC, MVVM, MVP, composition, protocol oriented programming.
- I have an excellent knowledge about the SwiftUI Scenes, Views, Modifiers, Stacks, Containers, State management system and Data flow.
- I implement modular architecture using dynamic frameworks.
- I have an excellent understanding of UIKit, Core Animation, GCD, Core Data and WatchKit.
- I can implement CI (continuous integration) set up using Xcode Server, Jenkins, Git.
- I have a good Experience with UI Test automation and XCTest.
- I use the Expo framework (Managed and bare workflows).
- I use React Native Debugger & Google Chrome Developpement Tools.
- I use both Hooks and class component to build React-Native Apps.
- I use Atom IDE and Visual Code.
- I have a good knowledge of Unity, including experience with C# scripting, textures, animation, GUI styles to develop 2D mobile games.
- I use artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to make brain puzzles games.
I build websites using ReactJS, Ruby on Rails & Nodejs : :
- Writing, developing, testing, and deploying web applications & APIs with Ruby on Rails.
- Knowledge of RoR and Gems such as : Devise, react_on_rails, active_model_serializers,...
- Good understanding of Webpacker & ImportMaps bundling & compilation process in Rails.
- I have a good proficiency in JavaScript, including DOM manipulation and the JavaScript object model (JSON).
- I developed this awesome website with Gatsby and React js.
- I use modern authorization mechanisms, such as JSON Web Token.
- Good Knowledge of Node.js Frameworks, Express, webRTC, Sequelize & Mongoose ORMs, RESTful APIs and API Communications.
I develop a general purpose applications using many languages :
- I use Python packages such as Scikit learn, MatPlotib, NumPy, etc. for Data Science, Mathematics, Probability and Statistics.
- I have a very good knowledge in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Skill.
- I develop SOA Microsoft applications using C#, WCF, Windows Forms, WPF, etc.
Software development and database management skills :
- I use Scrum project management methodology, git version control system and GitKraken Tool.
- I'm familiar with Teams and Slack channels.
- I have a general proficiency of Unit testing, code coverage, reviewing, refactoring, continuous integration and code-smell concepts.
- I have a good knowledge of CRUD operations, interfacing with different layers of the development frame work and ORMs.
- I create SQL & NoSQL databases : MySQL, PostgreSQL, FireBase and SQLite Database.